
At Parris South, we hold all students to rigorous academic standards, following the guidelines set by the Tennessee Department of Education. We believe every child is capable of learning. We expect all students to try their best to learn in order to become productive citizens.



1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd grade

4th grade

5th grade


Across the country, states are prioritizing early intervention when students show signs of academic challenges, a practice known as Response to Intervention (RTI). In Tennessee, we implement Response to Instruction and Intervention (RTI²), a three-tiered framework designed to support teaching and learning. This approach begins with high-quality, differentiated instruction and focuses on intervening early when students begin to struggle, helping to prevent long-term academic difficulties.

Our RTI team works to identify students who may need additional support and provides intervention through small group instruction led by teachers and assistants trained in research-based programs. The goal is to address any learning gaps that are hindering a student’s ability to work at grade level, helping them get back on track.

Creative Dramatics

In Tennessee, arts education encompasses five distinct disciplines: dance, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts. The federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) recognizes the arts, including music, as essential components of a “well-rounded” education. Tennessee schools have a strong tradition of supporting arts education and are nationally recognized for their significant contributions to arts and culture. The state’s academic standards for arts education ensure that students have increased access to high-quality arts programs, which play a crucial role in preparing them for college, careers, and life. (–sota-.html)

In Creative Dramatics, students explore all five arts disciplines while developing their creative skills. They participate in Creative Dramatics at least once a week, where Mr. Riley helps them unlock their imagination and express themselves through the arts.

TN All Corps Tutoring

Parris South offers need-based tutoring before, during, and after school. Morning tutoring is available for students with special needs, and students who have been retained or identified as needing extra support are required to receive tutoring with an academic tutor multiple times a week. After-school tutoring is also available based on academic need. In addition, we are proud to host several Tiger Tutors—specially trained high school students who work in our building during and after school hours to help students achieve their academic goals.


Physical fitness is an essential part of keeping both our bodies and brains functioning at their best. Physical Education helps students learn to “Sharpen the Saw” by taking time to focus on their health and

“RockStar,” also known as Mrs. Keri Surratt, along with her assistant Riley, make P.E. fun and engaging for students. They provide structured activities as well as time for free play and social interaction. Every child needs opportunities to release the energy built up from academic tasks, and there’s no one better than “RockStar” to help students do this in a way that benefits both their bodies and minds.


Students attend guidance classes with Mrs. April Williams on a weekly basis. Her classes focus on helping
students develop strong teamwork skills, build lasting friendships, and learn how to be responsible
citizens. Additionally, Mrs. April offers individual counseling as needed to support students’ personal


“Readers are Leaders,” and that motto is the goal our Librarian, Mrs. Bell uses to teach students. We know students become better readers with practice. Mrs. Bell helps students learn to find books that will foster the love of reading and help them grow into good readers. Students attend a class with Mrs. Bell once a week, and she also has other scheduled times for avid readers who need access to books more often.

Computer Lab

As technology continues to become more present and a part of everyday life, students need to have the skills necessary to use technology as a tool for education. Students attend the computer lab once a week. During their time in the lab, they work on skills such as typing, and use other educational programs to further their academic goals. Mr. Jackson is there to help guide students to safely use technology to further their academic goals.

Classroom Library Links

Print Concepts

Kindergarten and First Grade- The students are taught the organization and basic features of print. (Following words from left to right, top to bottom on a page, and to recognize features of a sentence such as punctuation, capitalization, etc.)

*These concepts are taught in these grades and followed through all upcoming grades.


Students begin writing in print in kindergarten. Print continues through the middle of second grade, where they begin to form cursive letters. As they progress into third grade they should be connecting letters to form words in cursive. Cursive practice continues into fourth grade. They should be writing in cursive fluently by the end of fourth grade.

Phonics and Word Recognition

Kindergarten- These students are taught to know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills to decode words.

(Produce sounds for each consonant and for long and short vowels, know sight words, and distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the letters that differ)

First Grade- These students are taught to know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills to decode words.

(Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant diagraphs, decode one-syllable words, learn about final –e, vowel teams, learn that every syllable must have a vowel,  break apart syllables to decode words, learn inflected endings, and read appropriate irregularly spelled words)

Second Grade- These students are taught to know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills to decode words.

(Distinguish long and short vowels when reading, know common vowel teams, decode regularly spelled two syllable words with long vowels, decode words with prefixes and suffixes, identify words with inconsistent but common spelling-sound correspondences, and recognize and read grade- appropriate words)

Third Grade Through Fifth Grade- These students are taught to know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills to decode words.

(Identify and know meaning of prefixes, suffixes, and root words, decode words with common Latin suffixes, decode multi-syllabic words, and read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words)


Kindergarten- The students should be able to read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding by the end of the year to prepare them for grade 1.

First Grade Through Fifth Grade- The students should build on reading with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. The student should read on-level text with purpose and understanding. They should read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings.

 ***Other Reading /Language skills progress in the same way. They start in Kindergarten and progress to a higher skill level each year. There are many other standards. You may find these at you may go to

Phonological Awareness

Kindergarten- The students are taught the understanding on spoken words, syllables, and sounds:

(Rhyming words, syllables, blending letters to make words, add or substitute individual sounds to make new words, etc.)

First grade- The students are taught the understanding on spoken words, syllables, and sounds:

(Distinguishing between long from short vowel sounds, orally produce words by blending, isolate and pronounce the beginning, middle, and ending sounds in CVC words, and substitute individual sounds)

* These concepts are taught in these grades and followed through all upcoming grades.

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